Originally Posted by
The NX lines will work.
But all NX AC lines are for R12 with R12 connectors.
You will need the conversion kits for R134a connections & install R134a O-Rings.
Converted my NX R12 AC lines to 1995 Sentra GXE GA16 AC lines.
The GA16 AC lines should fit perfect with the J-pipe.
Adding washers under the compressor will move the lines out further and is a good idea.
Wrapping the lines with the foam alumimum wrap found at AutoZone will also keep the lines (& your AC temp) colder.
^This is great! Where is the best place to get the conversion kits for R134a? Is the converison kit used to charge the system, or to hook the low and high pressure lines up to the firewall hooks and the actual A/C compressor?
^Could I just use 95-99 GA16DE A/C lines to avoid purchasing the R134a kit? I'm sure these questions will be asked, so I'll post up instead of sending a PM.