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If you have that travel back and the car is lowered,what about fender clearance,and bumpsteer?
Reason I ask is now the car will go lower when the suspension compresses.So that means there is a chance of rubbing more places in the wheel well...like the inner splash guards?You are correct.
Edit: Let me clarify. If you gow ith CSK to get the travel back,
and install shorter springs then you will have to worry about fender clearance and bumpsteer. If you go with CSK and maintain taller springs like RM, Hyperco or stock then you won't be any lower than you would normally and won't have to worry about problems associated with going lower.
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Would you need to roll the fenders for more clearance since the whell will go up in there farther?Traditional fender rolling (rolling the edge normally sitting at a 90 degree angle to the visible portion of the fender all the way around so it is 180 degrees or pressed up against the outer fender metal like a folded piece of paper) is not usually needed when you go lower if you didn't need it before when you were higher. If you didn't rub hitting pumps or during heavy lean situations before, then you're likely not going to rub that section of the fender ever anyway. It is only when you go wider with your track that you run into these issues. Too confusing?
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For example...I have aRM/AGX now,fenders rolled innner lip.The car rarely hits the bumpstops,but it would hit them before the tire could rub.If I go to a CSK,will it compress more and rub if I dont roll the fender(more)?First off, that is the traditional fender rolling I was talking about so we're on the same page there.
If you go to a CSK the tire will go up into the fender well about an inch more at rest, and likely travel further up into the fender than it did before when hitting bumps or leaning. If the bump stop used to be stopping the tire from hitting the fender well, it will no longer perform that job as early as it did before and your possibility for hitting the fender well gets greater as you'd expect.
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Also wondering if the increased travel of the CSK would induce more bumpsteer,since the suspension can travel farther into the "bumpsteer zone" if you know what I mean.Yes, you'll have more bumpsteer just as you expected.
Edit: Only during those rare times when the wheel goes far up into the fender well will you experience more bumpsteer. If you keep your springs the same, it won't really be a factor. If you take advantage of the additional travel by going with shorter springs then you will experience more bumpsteer all the time.