Originally Posted by
Coheed there is an 18% difference in pressure between 4500ft and sea level. 14.7/12.5=1.18. SAE correction factors take this difference of air pressure into account when calculating HP at high altitude. At SAE temperature and 0% humidity you should have approx 18% more power at sea level than at 4500ft.That's not the correct way to find a percentage. Try:
100% - (100 · (12.5 ∕ 14.7)) =
100% - (100 · (0.85)) =
100% - (85%) =
Originally Posted by
Coheed So the difference in air pressure is 2.2psia or 18%. Bare with me here because these numbers are going to throw you off a little unless you have a good understanding of turbochargers. Let’s take an engine that has boost, for this example we are going to use 6psig. Add the ambient pressures and find the difference in psia: 6+12.5=18.5psia and 6+14.7=20.7psia so 20.7/18.5=1.12. Notice the difference here is only 12%. Again, 14.7/12.5=1.18, an 18% difference in pressure; and with boost only 12% difference in pressure.Your 12% turns into 10.7% when the proper equation is used. No big deal.
(I've finally taken the time to read this, and I'm just responding as I read stuff. Nothing worth arguing over yet. I'll continue.)
The amount of absolute pressure the engine sees depends on how your boost gauge (or what ever you use to measure boost) is calibrated (assuming you use it to set your boost controller) or how your wastegate was calibrated (and if the wastegate uses a secondary reference signal from atmospheric). If it's calibrated at sea level, or for absolute pressure then 6 psig should also equal 20.7 psia in both cases.
You're right. In higher altitude, you start out with less initial pressure to work with. However, as long as you're working with components calibrated at sea level or operating in absolute pressure (never seen anything calibrated or operating otherwise) then if you hook up a boost gauge to an N/A car and drive it around at sea level you'll basically see 0 psi at WOT. Drive up the mountains and you'll notice the gauge reads less than 0 psi at WOT. It will be somewhere in the inches of mercury section. This corresponds to the 12.5 psi absolute that you get in the mountains.
Now say you slap a turbo on the car. You're going to have to "boost" 2.2 psi to even match the same output you saw at sea level, and to get the gauge to read 0 psi again. However, if you're using the boost gauge to adjust your boost controller and you want to boost 6 psig you're obviously going to keep going until the gauge reads 6 psi. This means you're asking the turbo to do the same amount of work as one at sea level boosting 8.2 psi. This means the engine is now going to see the same psia as an engine running 6 psig at sea level.
The only real difference between these two engines (one at sea level, and the other in the mountains) is that the turbo in the mountains is operating in a different efficiency area of the compressor map than the one at sea level.
Originally Posted by
Coheed This makes sense until you dig deeper into the understanding here.I see you were setting up the prevailing argument for your own argument's sake. I'll spare you the correction of the rest of your math then. No big deal again.
Originally Posted by
Coheed By comparing the difference in total pressure, you are comparing the engines power output directly to total pressure.An astute observation. It's essential to realize that just because the engine in the mountains runs the same (absolute) intake pressure, it doesn't mean it will make the same power.
Originally Posted by
Coheed Let’s do the reverse calculation for an engine at 20K feet. Ambient pressure is only 7psi at this point. 14.7/7=2.1 or 210%. Wow, 210% correction? So at sea level you would be making 2.1 times the power than at 20K feet right? This relation does not make any sense in the real world. This is comparing the difference in air pressure directly to the power the engine will make. 7psia is half the pressure of ambient at sea level (14.7), so you must have half the power? 1 bar of boost must double your NA power then?
All else being equal (compression ratio, etc.) running 1 bar usually does double the output of an N/A engine. Our SR20 engines are a perfect example of that. Not sure where you are going with this one...
Let me read the rest and let me respond.