Originally Posted by
Jim - You would have to fabricate custom brackets to hold down the RR rail/injector assembly,find new injector seats (different size), and rewire the injector harness. PIA is you ask me but it can be done. The low port rail is not the prettiest but it's a direct swap and (depending on your HP goals) you can buy larger injectors for cheap.
After staring at this for a while last night, I'm in agreement. The RR rail is a bit larger, and from what I've read the injectors don't flow much more than other standard SR20 injectors. Flow wasn't an issue, but the larger rail seemed like a plus, but mounting it will take more work than I want to put into it.
Moving on to my next challenge, the crank pulley on this motor is shot. The rubber that mates the two halves has worn, and the outer part that spins the alternator and AC compressor spins independently of the inner piece that drives the water pump/power steering. I'm not ready to relocate the alternator just yet, so this means I need to replace the pulley.
The warnings on not using a lightened pulley mentioned above are from threads almost 10 years old, I understand the concerns about the 4 counter weight crank in the RR vs the 8CW in earlier and later designs, and that a lightened pulley may not be balanced the same way as stock. But I also think that a pulley design that can separate because of a rubber strip wearing out isn't something I necessarily want to put back on to this motor. Does anyone have any more recent info to share, preferably confirmed with vendors that make underdrive pulleys?