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Thread: TPS Issues

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2012-07-06 14:23:12
TPS Issues
I am having some major troubles with my TPS wiring on my 96 b14. I have allready replaced the TPS and tried some minor rewiring and have not been successfull. I want to just make my own wiring and bypass the harness because my harness is pritty hacked up from the previous owner and I am trying to avoid pulling the harness and unwrapping it. I figured I this would be my easiest fix.

1. Cut the pigtail off the TPS
2. Run wires from the TPS pigtail to my ECU
3. unpong the stock TPS wires from the ECU and prong in my new wires.

I know the TPS signal is prong # 23 on the ECU plug.
I do not know the TPS power prong #.
I am not sure how to go about re-wiring the ground.
2012-07-06 15:05:37
Ground can go directly to the intake manifold grounds. Power is +5v from the ECU. Which pin that is will depend on what ECU you have. Which ECU do you have? Find the FSM wiring diagram for it and you'll be all set.
2012-07-06 20:36:16
i am doing the is on 96 200sx se-r ECU
Last edited by D-Unit121 on 2012-07-07 at 02-50-36.
2012-07-07 11:12:02
What exactly is the TPS doing?
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