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Thread: 1994 ser cluster into 1993 xe

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2012-02-25 21:20:11
1994 ser cluster into 1993 xe
i have been reading thru a few forums and cant find any reason why but i keep blowing a fuse for the meter when i connect the 94 ser cluster to my 93 xe,is this a direct swap or must i do something to make it work correctly?

thanks in advance

2012-02-25 22:01:20
Did you accidentally switch the positive and negative for the cluster illumination?
2012-02-25 22:02:35
how would i do that?or check that?
2012-02-25 22:25:43
The wiring for the clusters isnt the same, you have to rewire your plugs to get it work correctly. The xe doesnt even have a tach.
2012-02-25 22:27:44
Yea, its a pain, but go to a junk yard, find a cluster with a tach, then cut said plugs, then figure out what wires go to what plug and re pin the plugs.
2012-02-25 22:31:32
yep i noticed this when i was reading the board on the back of the clusters lol dam im a noob lol thanks everyone for your response
2012-02-26 01:55:56
I tried a 98 cluster in my 93 amd it didn't work. I haven't switched the two plugs that are the same though to see if that makes it works
2012-02-26 23:08:17
Originally Posted by M0J0
Did you accidentally switch the positive and negative for the cluster illumination?

Sorry, I assumed you already re-pinned the plugs.

But yeah, you have to rewire them. Not hard to do, but very time-consuming.
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