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Thread: how to fit speakers in the rear deck

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2012-01-16 07:27:14
If you have the mechanical HVAC unit then its not the wiring you have to worry about, its the cables for the controls you have to worry about.
Those arent extendable.
2012-01-16 17:44:04
Dammit and all b13s have mechanical controls
2012-01-17 07:28:24
You can always go electrical.
It's been done, there's a write up somewhere about it.
Parts come from the p10 I believe.
2012-01-19 19:15:54
Originally Posted by BenFenner
This is the best picture I can come by right now. =(

Crutchfield have some rectangular ones, that's what i had in my B13 a while ago.
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