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Thread: Custom Tachometer update

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2011-12-30 01:54:59
Custom Tachometer update
Remember my shift lights? I've come much further!

2011-12-30 04:49:15
thats pretty damn cool, rally-esque. Got a shift light or a different color for redline/shift points?
2011-12-30 05:34:00
Originally Posted by ny5speed
thats pretty damn cool, rally-esque. Got a shift light or a different color for redline/shift points?

If the two lines meet at the top, it's at 8000.

Too bad my rev limiter is before that
2011-12-31 18:41:46
thats pretty cool
2011-12-31 22:56:13
how does it know what gear
2011-12-31 22:57:40
Cool stuff man.
2012-01-02 23:39:18
Great job man can't wait to see the final product.
2012-01-03 12:48:36
2012-01-03 22:46:58
What kind of microcontroller are you using? Ironically I have a project in the works that was supposed to be a gear display but it looks like you beat me to it.
2012-01-03 22:48:26
Originally Posted by Forced
how does it know what gear

Chances are he is taking the RPM and speedo signals and using them to calculate what gear the car is in.
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