i dunno maybe this will help a lil; some way, somehow, whatever was connected to the battery before, eccentially has to be connected back to the battery. imagine removing the battery, placing it on the ground, then attatching jumper cables from it to the car. I've had mine liek this for 2 years, no dist block, no exposed wiring. I just like the cleanliness of just bare essentials.. didn't need it, why get it? BUT dist blocks ARE safer and you should get one, but you dont have to put it where the batt was... I dunno i did a lot to my car. I'll shut up now. I don't want it to sound like I'm arguing or trying to confuse anyone. I'll post pix.....
this is right after i done my batt relocate, before I did anything with my wiring other than removing the cables. you can see them all bunched up behind the intake
this is after a dumb paint job (dont ask), but all that wiring that was originally hooked at the pos term on batt (fogs, 2 car main power wires, starter cable) were rerouted just screwed together. as long as they dont touch ground, you should be ok.
and the relay box that was attached to the tray... well, although the photo is blurry, you can mount it like this, (down the side of the rad, you can see the top of it) I dunno how well it is with stock fans though.
and one more just cuz
still needs work. anyway, hope i've at least helped a lil. let us know how it goes for you and post pix!