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Thread: SR20DET Engine conversion woes

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2011-11-10 09:34:01
SR20DET Engine conversion woes
Hi guys,

just about finished putting a 94 180sx blacktop sr20det into an 85 nissan navarra & im having electrical problems and need a few ECU questions answered.

Now ive got it wired up as per the service manual wiring diagram bar the following;

ECU Pin: (fill in the blanks)
3 -
42 - Not needed? (5speed manual)
44 - Not needed? (5speed manual)
12 - Not needed? (5speed manual)
28 - Not needed? (5speed manual)
23 -
15 -
7 -
14 -
5 -
25 - im not using the exhaust temp sender, so does this need to be powered/grounded/not connected?
106 - no Aircon, so leave this not connected?
43 - not using the speed changing powersteering, so leave this not connected?
41 - no Aircon, so leave this not connected?
25 - the N start switch does this ground or open this pin when the car is in Neutral?
26 - as above, not using the exhaust temp, whats the go with this pin now?

Now one problem thats really got me stumped, is that when you turn IGN on, both the ECCS and Coil relays energize (normal) but when you hit start they both dis-engage, turning the power off to the ecu pins 38 & 47. As soon as u let go of the key and it returns to the ON position the relays engage again.

at one point the engine came to life for about 10 seconds as i let the key go from start to run, but i cant remember what pins above i had grounded/powered. it still isnt right though.

only thing i can think of is that for some reason when the ECU gets its start signal, its taking a ground off pin 4 which dis engages the relays. Im assuming its to do with something i havnt hooked up yet?

The fuel pump relay also is not energizing at all (requires ground from ECU pin 104) but this isnt happening, probably the same reason as above?

as for all the other pins i havnt listed above, i have checked each individual wire with a multimeter from the ECU to its plug and all are correct.

If anyone could help out that would be awesome, ive been unable to start this thing for a few days now.


P.S i have removed the factory fuel pressure control module and have wired a new external fuel pump off the fuel pump relay.
2011-11-23 02:29:01
noone? i just need to know what the above pins need to be connected to (power/ground) if im not using them
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