car loses power when turning left
First off a little info on the car. Its a 96 that i am doing a VE+T swap in. I have a bulk of the work done, however a small problem has arose. I had the car running at one point just to make sure all was good before I finished. I came back to it about 3 weeks later, and the car would not run. I found that it will start up and run if the steering wheel is pulled to the right. As soon as the wheel is pulled to the left, it cuts the power to the computer. Once the pressure is off the wheel, power comes back. The only thing I did in between running and not running is wire up some fans, which I have hard wired on a toggle switch. I have ripped the column apart to find some sort of short and retraced every wire I can think of, checked all fuses, relays, grounds, but still nothing. Desperate for help on this one. Please let me know if any more info will help.