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Thread: Best Gauges for the buck?

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2010-01-13 19:07:23
hey cliff. just buy some glow shift gauges you friggin ricer.

mad dad gauges,
glowshift gauges (buy they look gay)
and prosport gauges

all the same gauge with a few different features here and there.

2010-01-13 19:34:39
The only reason I accused you of thread jacking was because you started asking what others thought of your ideas, after TekkiE made it clear he didn't want or like VDO style gauges. Just poking fun mate.

But on another note, many have agreed that placing them higher up will make them more visible under extreme situations.

I completely agree with that statement. However I wanted them lower to not attract any attention (when I'm sitting in the car its very hard to see them at all at the drivers window).

Also after nearly 4 years of having these gauges installed I have never felt that it was too far to look down at them when I needed to. Generally if I want to look at them and a glance down is not a good idea, I shouldn't be looking anywhere even my a-pillar. But I think up top they do serve a more "heads up" style up top. Shawn, I'm sure you would be very happy with the VDO's be sure and let us know what you end up going with.

Anyways. TeKKiE, I would also suggest eGauges.com - VDO, Auto Meter, Defi, Isspro, Cyberdyne and Classic Instruments Gauges, as they have a huge compilation and their prices were very good when I purchased mine (again 4 years ago).

2010-01-13 19:54:15

I had a set of Prosports in my car and decided to sell them. You get what you pay for with gauges as well as seats. I am not suggesting you go with DEFI etc etc. I personally will be using a set of Stack gauges on build coming up. Somewhat reasonably priced for the quality of them and all the blinged features you would want.

Here is the link to the website
Stack Gauges - 52mm Auxiliary Gauges
2010-01-14 00:15:05
Originally Posted by TeKKiE
I will continue to look into the VDO's. I'm just kinda meh about the OEM look of them

Originally Posted by TeKKiE
I do agree that VDO is a great gauge, however I'm into that flashy lighted full sweep blah blah crap

I'm a tech junkie if you couldn't tell already, and gauges that light up crisp and bright, and are on the sexy side do me just fine. VDO gauges would be perfect if I wasn't concerned about how the looked when I'm driving. I just want things to pop at me

Originally Posted by classicaddict
hey cliff. just buy some glow shift gauges you friggin ricer.

Tekkie isn't a ricer... but he's definately ricer curious.
2010-01-14 00:24:36
Originally Posted by swiss
Tekkie isn't a ricer... but he's definately ricer curious.

lol. Ri-curious.

I have an exact Chriscar copycat (oil pr, temp, water temp) and some yellow zip ties holding my boost gague to the steering column. I'd really like to see a custom steering column gauge holder for 2 or 3 gauges. Need a spot for wideband and shift light.

Its definitely not flashy at all but I keep my SE-R pretty sleepy looking.
2010-01-14 01:05:41
Originally Posted by Dudeman258
The only reason I accused you of thread jacking was because you started asking what others thought of your ideas, after TekkiE made it clear he didn't want or like VDO style gauges. Just poking fun mate.

So did I just inadvertently, make an oblivious block and create the opening for the running back to score a TD?
Originally Posted by Dudeman258
....But since you have given me the opportunity to showboat, enjoy a few photos of my gauge setup.

And those photos, after TekkiE made it clear he didn't want or like VDO style gauges. I guess we were in on the plot together?

I'll cop a guilty plea. Hell, I'm usually guilty of something.

I was hoping all these stealth style gauges being posted would get Cliff to give up on the "disco-lightshow-gauges."

Originally Posted by Swiss
Tekkie isn't a ricer... but he's definately ricer curious

Originally Posted by Benito
lol. Ri-curious. .

2010-01-14 01:19:23
So I gave in to temptation and ordered the Prosports anyway

I mean, hell I got three gauges for $140 shipped with discounts applied! I'm going to call them tomorrow to see if I can pay them a little bit more in shipping to have them Express Mail them overnight. I'd like to install them Saturday if at all possible. Otherwise I'd have to wait another week

for anyone else out there looking to pick one or two up, the discount code is "evo" and applies a 10% discount to your entire purchase.

I'll do a product evaluation when I install them, and then follow up after a month or two of using them. What I'll do is pipe the 3bar MAP sensor that comes with the gauge into my B13 realtime to compare results from the gauge to the ECU. If they're good enough for close people that I know on and off the forum, they're good enough for me Mind you those certain individuals build one hell of a car, compared to mine!
2010-01-14 01:20:50
And for the record, YES. I am a closet E-ricer. I guess I just came out of the closet! If it's technology, I have it. Hell ask the guys during the convention how much shit I had all over my car! Radar, satellite radio, gps, etc. etc. etc.
2010-01-14 02:53:16
dont call you tekkie for nothing damn wires everywhere
2010-01-14 06:37:11
Check the new plx guage that plugs into your obd port...haha million guages in one.
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