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Thread: U13 Bluebird manual tranny SR20DET ECU pinout

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2009-12-29 13:59:54
U13 Bluebird manual tranny SR20DET ECU pinout
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for complete info about pinout of U13 Bluebird with manual tranny SR20DET ECU, probably could be a W10 Avenir with the same engine - if I'm wrong please correct

If somebody have a scan from service manual or something like that, please share.

For all reply, huge thanks


P.S. I only found this, maybe somebody it helps: 1989–1995 Nissan Bluebird SR20DET ECU Diagram

If I choose the wrong section please move this thread, don't delete.
2010-01-07 16:27:04
This has a bit more completed. Not entire complete though.

B13/U13/S13DET ECU pinout
2010-01-10 10:36:41
Thanks very much but I found it few days ago...
2010-01-11 09:21:27
... but Im still looking for u13 sr20det or w10/w11 sr20det FSM, any body?
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