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Thread: B13 cheap alarm LED upgrade

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2009-11-21 21:27:59
B13 cheap alarm LED upgrade
2009-11-21 21:41:51
That's a great idea but now every thief in nyc knows your alarm is fake....

Just lookin out for ya.

2009-11-22 03:13:29
NO, it is not fake. I took the old LED that came with my alarm and rewired it to the factory alarm LED. It is the same 2 wire and a lot cleaner than tapping a hole in the dash or elsewhere. And it is factory. Costs nothing at a U Pull it.
2009-11-22 05:12:20
Got it, then well done man, I do like the idea and thanks for sharing. Where did you get that plaque?

2009-11-22 17:18:07
How do you operate the cruise control?
2009-11-23 16:57:53
Originally Posted by Dudeman258
Got it, then well done man, I do like the idea and thanks for sharing. Where did you get that plaque?


Out of a 96 or 97 Maxima or Altima.
@NismoKing I don't have cruise. Thats why that spot was blank.
2009-12-10 02:51:26
Originally Posted by nunlacrif
Default Re: please check my site
Thanks for the suggestion, I wish it had worked.

hahahahahahahaha SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **** YOU ASS HOLE!
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