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Thread: Yellow inner lights on exalta headlight????

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2009-11-07 09:25:28
Yellow inner lights on exalta headlight????
I need help
what kind of bulb should i use to have yellow innner lights?
who has done this before
any suggestions?
would yellow inner be to bright with a hid kit?
2009-11-07 11:41:00
Well are you going for just looks or function?
2009-11-07 12:38:36
the inner lights are your high beams if that is what you are talking about.

it is H1 and i recommend just using halogen for hid will take a bit to warm up
2009-11-07 20:25:28
i wana use it for looks
i kno that i need h1 but wont h1 halogen be to bright
i want the yellow to be running lights and my h7 hid kit to be brighter
this is similar to like the jdm acuras lights
can this be done?
2009-11-08 17:36:07
i was thinking of doing the same with my brights but with an yellow led bulb so their not to bright. Then adding some bright fogs for when I need more light.
2009-11-09 04:17:41
do they make led h1 bulbs or do i have to mod it??
2009-11-09 16:45:08
last time I check they had them on ebay
2009-11-10 05:17:16
u know what kind?
or a link to it
2009-12-08 22:06:50
or superbrightleds.com
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