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Thread: DIY: $2 Home Depot Racing Stubby Antenna

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2009-09-01 23:50:29
dddddaaaannnnnnggg rofl I love macgyvered-up stuff! yeah!!
2009-09-02 00:37:21
McGruber. Lol haha. Jk you get props for ingenuity.
2009-09-02 03:45:07
This one is actually pretty stiff and doesn't make the sound in the youtube video. You can barely move it actually.

I don't mind if someone takes it, it's $1.97. Buying another Onstar antenna is not the point, why wouldn't they try to steal it again?
2009-09-02 15:04:55
Originally Posted by PEDRONX2k
YouTube - Spring Door Stopper

cool idea....lets see it dipped...

Did you make that video just for this post? If so, you have alot of time on your hands, lol
2009-09-16 20:46:37
Ok well this project is finished and I am more than satisfied with how it came out.

Home Depot didn't have the color Plasti Dip I wanted to I bought heat shrink instead..

You will need heatshrink, a heatgun and cloth gloves because the heatshrink gets hot. Make sure to let it cool for atleast 10 minutes before you touch it.

I cut off about 3/4" heat shrink and placed it sideways over the white plastic cap on the door spring and shrunk it.

Then cut out the hole using an Exacto knife or blade..whatever you have laying around

Use the remaining piece of heatshrink that you cut before and place it like this, leaving a bit of extra on both sides

2009-09-16 20:46:57
Then Shrink it and you're done. The cloth fibers you see is from my gloves and it just rubs off once it's cool. You'll notice the dimple on the rubber cap but that doesn't bother me. You could either leave the plastic cap alone or do it like I did..your choice

2009-09-16 20:52:36
Looks good I think, home made fixes are the best.
2009-09-16 20:59:27
Thank you..some people don't like it and think it's ghetto but whatever..it works just fine for me. I have better mods to spend my money on than another Onstar antenna that had crappy reception.

BTW..it ended up costing $3 to make haha
2009-09-16 21:00:50
nice... specially if a door falls on your hood this'll probably stop it......
2009-09-16 21:01:43
This is awesome. My B15 could use a stubby, and the A32 antenna broke off. LOL
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