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Thread: Ignition / Starter gremlin

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2009-03-27 21:30:31
Ignition / Starter gremlin
Alright.... I'll try my best to explain this.

98 SE-R manual trans

Brother drove the car noticed that for a second he lost all power ( not electrical ) as if you turned the key off while driving hitting the gas did nothing, then came back on. He stopped at his destination went to start and didn't start.

I went looked at it, turned the key to on postion, heard weird buzzing sound as if it as a relay turning on and off fast, it was I think a sensor that sits on the plenum of the intake mani, also, heard some other clicking behind the glove box, both of which eventually stopped after a few minutes. The check engine brake light and other warning lights that are usually illuminated in the run position with the car off weren't illuminated, starter didn't engage. Tried again and the lights were on but still no crank.

Noticed the tach jumped around a little as well druring crank but with not starter engaged. I didn't do that all the time either.

Another bizzare thing, truned the key off, pulled out of ignition tumbler, all warning lights stayed on for a few seconds.... THEN then they went out...

ICM? Ignition tumbler? Something else? Batter tested and good.

Thanks all!
2009-03-28 20:47:42
2009-03-28 20:55:19
my 95 olds aurora does this. I still havn't figured it out. My mechanic hasn't figured it out, and he's really good. He says its probbably a combination of things. At first, he did"t believe me with the whole shutting off thing, and then just running again. I'm just going to drive it till it dies. Good luck man.
2009-03-29 15:14:43
I would check out the tumbler... imo seems most likely culprit. Key in, dies, key out, sometimes stays on for a little? Sounds like it's falling apart inside, making connections where and when you don't want it to.
2009-03-31 01:36:14
yeah, i'm thinking more and more it's the tumbler the more I dive into it. I'll check it out when it warms up a bit...
2009-04-08 19:42:36
ok update.... don't think it's the ignition switch. Did a test, put the key in turned to on, turned it off and took out the key. All the dash warning lights came on and stayed on. So I then decided to unplug the ignition harness behind the knee brace and they all stayed on... they didn't go off... plugged it back in and turned the key on and off a few times and the lights finally went off.... is there a relay or relay pack that I should be looking for?
2009-04-13 22:43:03
Hmmm, running out of ideas....
2009-04-19 00:47:39
ttt? Direction to look?
2009-04-19 01:20:37
alright now every time I put the key in the ign and turn it to on and then take the key out all the dash lights stay on. All ign on functions work with the key OUT of the ign. Like the blinkers and windows. The only way to turn it "off" is to pull the ign relay out of the fuse box by the drivers kick pannel.

The oil light and battery light are very slightly illuminated as well during the ign on sequence. :/
2009-04-22 01:38:49
may i recommend checking the ground that goes from the d.s front frame to the top of the transmission.. check it out.
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