Hey Reedom I can't believe I left you hanging on those questions back in January. I'll send you a PM and point you here for the answers.

Originally Posted by
wat would be the issue with using a VE oil pump wit DE UR pulley on a DE engine with a DE oil pump drive collar. from your diagram it seems like the pulley wont line up with the other pulleysThere are two problems with this. First off you have the problem Ashton and I ran into where the DE oil pump drive collar is not long enough to fully protrude from the VE oil pump so when you go to tighten everything down the pulley will crush into the oil pump inner gear and that will ruin the oil pump. The inner gear will crush into the back of the oil pump housing and you'll destroy the oil pump housing. If you turn the engine like Ashton did you'll ruin the entire pump assembly.
The second problem is that even if things didn't get crushed, you'd have the pulley misalignment problem because the DE UR pulley (just like the sotck DE pulley) has the wrong "offset" and has too much material.

Originally Posted by
but if I run a VE pulley with VE oil pump and a DE oil pump drive collar it also would not line up right.Correct. The pulley will not line up correctly in this situation either. This is why the spacer exists, so you can have the correct pulley alignment. Also without the spacer if you tightened things down you would destroy the VE oil pump as well.

Originally Posted by
I would have to get a VE drive collar right? how easy is that to get?You would have to get the VE drive collar,
or you can get the spacer from Gspec. The drive collars don't seem too hard to come by. I've seen a few for sale now and again. However the spacer from Gspec is always in stock and much easier to get a hold of. It is cheaper too. The only tiny advantage to the VE collar is that it is all aluminum so it weighs a few grams less.

Originally Posted by
can I use a DE pulley with a VE drive collar and VE oil pump with the spacer?No, that would be too much material. You will want to use
either the VE drive collar
or the DE drive collar with the spacer. The spacer basically turns the DE drive collar into a VE drive collar. Take a look at
this picture to see what I mean. The spacer just makes the DE collar the same length as the VE collar.