This is 3" dp with exhaust disconnected. You can have a 4" exhaust for more flow but there is more to it than that. every bend in the pipe is going to change exhaust gas direction, which takes energy. This energy is represented by backpressure. On turbo cars, the less backpressure the better.
A 4" pipe will flow more and therefore have less backpressure, even throughout the bends in the pipe. No exhaust is best, so I say it would fit the car better if you went with a 3" exhaust and a cutout system. A 4" exhaust would be too tight of a fit on our cars. you would bottom it out all the time.
A 4" pipe will flow more and therefore have less backpressure, even throughout the bends in the pipe. No exhaust is best, so I say it would fit the car better if you went with a 3" exhaust and a cutout system. A 4" exhaust would be too tight of a fit on our cars. you would bottom it out all the time.