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I found this gem from that thread:
It seems pretty clear at least that the VE head is what's going to make this happen. The short rod of the SR16 is very much in the spirit of this build. 480 WHP might not embarrass every V8 at dyno day but it'll still open some eyes and gain some respect.
(Makes me wonder why it's taken so long for the community to latch onto the VE or the SR16 stuff? I guess it's all newer parts that are finally coming down to a price some of us can afford?)
i think you meant short stroke

short stroke long rod!

well see who gets to 600hp first on a budget! the biggest money saver is doing things your self and knowing how to shop! if you go out and just hit buy now on everything your build will be very expensive, like keiron said, either buy new used parts of peoples part out, or shop like hell, there isnt anything i bought in my set that wasnt on a deal and i got 80% of the parts new and if they werent new they were pretty close to new
you dont need a VE to make 600hp it just makes it alot easier, youll use alot less boost to get there so thats why i chose to use the ve motor, our blocks are robust despite being aluminum so sleeving is not necessary you just need a good set of forged pistons and rods, i have yet to have problems with stock head bolts or stock nissan head gasket so thats what i use, you can get rid of tons of the bull**** parts people waste money on trying to make power... in the end your power lies in ditching your oem based ecu and using a full stand alone