Check the connections on the battery and grounds. Almost sounds like a intermittent connection. If you come to the fuel pump i have one you can try from the 200. If you need a voltmeter i have a couple, i could lend you one or help diagnose too.
Do a once over the whole engine bay, wiggle, move, and inspect most things including connections at the MAF, Dizzy, Plug wires, and so on. Check the cap and rotor as well, did you wash the car recently? i know its been getting colder at night which may create condensation that could cause an issue.
Do a once over the whole engine bay, wiggle, move, and inspect most things including connections at the MAF, Dizzy, Plug wires, and so on. Check the cap and rotor as well, did you wash the car recently? i know its been getting colder at night which may create condensation that could cause an issue.