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i was wondering if anyone had ran into a bad TPS but got good volts?
Yes I have... Here's how you verify that the TPS is good after good volt reading:
Perform a TPS Ohm Test:
Test resistance between Terminals A & B (Same terminals used for Volt tests; just change the DVM to Ohm's)
- Completely released (Closed Throttle): Approx 2 ohm
- Partially released (Gradually Opening the throttle): 2 - 11 ohm
- Completely depressed (WOT): Approx 11 ohm
If not, the TPS is bad.
Your problem of a jumping/hunting idle is usually Dizzy or Aux Air related.
Dizzy Check
- Open your dizzy and check for the presence of oil inside. If found, dizzy shaft seal worn; swap in another dizzy.
- Check the rotor for wear on the tip
- Check the cap for contact post wear or cracks.
- Clean each plug wires with mild detergent & shop towel. Make sure all wires are completely plugged back in.
. Then, start the car. While using a household spray mister, lightly mist water across the wires starting at the dizzy moving to cylinder 1.
. If you see any little sparks jumping between wires, Replace the wire set.
Note: If you replace any of the above parts, put in timing mode, then reset your idle
first & then reset your timing.
AAC Check (Round unit on the IACV)
- Disconnect AAC valve harness connector.
- Check AAC valve resistance across terminals: Resistance should be approximately 10 ohms.
- Clean the IACV unit with Throttle body cleaner.
Air Regulator Check (located on passenger side under intake mani; accessable only from under car)
- Disconnect Air Regulator harness connector.
- Check Air Regulator resistance across terminals: Resistance should be approximately 70-80 ohms.
- Remove Regulator and check for clogging & good operation (opens & completely closes).
MAF ground check
Check that your MAF ground is good.
- Connect the DVM Positive lead to the middle wire on the MAF.
(use a paper clip wedged in there)
- Connect the DVM Ground lead to one of the ground screws on the rear of the intake mani
- The Voltage read should be less than 9mv (.009v), if it is above this value, the sensor needs to be regrounded to the Intake Mani grounding screw.
Lastly after all of the above, your car is
still hunting: Check/Change all of your vacuum lines. If you have EGR stuff still installed, that would be the next area to test (EGR valve, EGR solenoid, EGR pipe clogged, all of the EGR hoses, BPT valve and the AIV).
Fixing the hunting idle is not easy as it can be caused by many things.
But I found that one of the above items usually is the culprit.
Good Luck..