The molding around my back window is all cracked and worn. I need to replace it. My question is, how hard it is to replace it, do you need special tools?
Well I can tell you this... after having my front windshield replaced. It looks like a professional job. At least that wasn't something I wanted to tackle.
I would advise against you attempting to do this on your own. Professionals make it look easier than it really is.
It's not a matter of replacing the seal (you have to remove the window glass to do it), it's a matter of the seal actually sealing, and preventing rain/etc. from leaking into your car.
Originally Posted by NaLLa8705 Maybe look into getting some 3m window weld... 10bucks a tube and it may offer some extra sealing. Is it actually leaking? Or just looking bad?
Well, a year later and I still haven't done this. Is not leaking, it just look bad. Also I need to replace the molding around the rear side windows. I could not find the part number for that part or price. Anyone?
The molding around the rear side windows (2-door right?) is part of the glass. It's not separate. Need to buy the entire window as far as I know to replace that.