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Thread: Is there a SR20 rebuilt motor market?

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2008-08-06 16:56:56
Not true Nat, VW Rabbit guys do this all day long and those cars are far from expensive.
2008-08-06 18:34:17
I will live up to my screen name. I have a SR motor for one right now. I'm just waiting on a new, near mint 4door to put up.

Originally Posted by Joekuh
and it STILL doesnt have a SR in it

My 93 does.............
2008-08-06 22:28:14
Originally Posted by MR-4Door-SR20DE
I will live up to my screen name. I have a SR motor for one right now. I'm just waiting on a new, near mint 4door to put up.

My 93 does.............

i take that back then.

but back on topic, I think there would be a market for it. Just needa find a way to keep shipping costs low.
2008-08-06 23:01:10
I think you guys are taking "cheap" the wrong way. We ALL love our cars, and most of us plan on keeping them to they LITERALLY fall apart... in which case we would part out and buy another one . But i still agree with stratton and nate in the fact that MOST of us are budget minded. Or where budget minded at one point. Although thankfully we have a few ballers that push the game... and my cheap ass thanks you for that.
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