B13 Main Engine Harness - All of them
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This report shows all of the main engine harnesses for all model year B13s and includes:
- Automatic 3 & 4 speed Tranny (AT.F3, AT.F4)
- Manual 3, 4, & 5 speed tranny (MT.F3, MT.F4, MT.F5)
- GA16DE engines
- SR20DE engines
- 4 door Sedan (4S.U, 4S.J) and 2 door Sedan (2S.U, 2S.J)
- Coupe (C) and Coupe T-bar (C/T)
- Produced by NMM (U) and Produced by NML (J)
- Federal (FED) and Califonia (CAL)
24077-69Y60- 0792 0793 J/C.J/SR20DE.J/MT.F5 + J/C/T.J/SR20DE.J/MT.F5
Engine Cable Part #: 24077-69Y60
Fits: Month/Year from July92
up to (not including) July93
For: NML/Coupe NML/SR20DE NML/Manual Transmission 5 speed
. AND For: NML/Coupe T-Top NML/SR20DE NML/Manual Transmission 5 speed
Basically, this is the main engine harness for a 1992 model NX2000 Hard or T-top with a SR20DE engine and a 5-speed tranny.