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Thread: my flat battery

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2021-01-13 18:50:11
my flat battery
I am after a decent battery, preferably 60 amps cca somewhere 350 - 400 but will accept lower amps. It is just I am in a luxury position. I had to replace both alternators for near new or new alternator and now I happen to have three known not so well batteries so yes, wrench and trickle loaded battery extra on hand. So I can drive this thing though

But now, seeking to lift some weight from heavy front nose.

Not willing to spend like $400 but like 200 or a bit more then that I consider. Now I ask myself, would http://sr2-0forum.com be able to assist me to get something like not 17 but 12 kilogrammes battery? Lower is better but I seek cold crank amps and no flatting battery when wotting.
2021-01-15 12:46:13

I bought this for my B13 and it works great. Never had an issue and it’s actually designed that you can lay it down to give you even more space. Stock cables fit nice and I think the pricepoint is pretty good for what you get. Should be fine if you daily drive the car too. If you’re not comfortable with that, the next one up, the B2015, is specifically made for daily driver four-cylinder engines.
Last edited by SE-Rtainlyb13 on 2021-01-15 at 12-50-23.
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