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Thread: SR20de Engine Sludge???

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2020-12-22 06:44:57
SR20de Engine Sludge???
Hi All,

Sorry for the newbie question but l am keen to get some feedback on what l should do. I have recently purchased an SR20de S13 which l am intending to transplant into a 1971 Datsun 521 ute and over the last couple of weeks l have been sorting a few things out such as the heater hose delete and general overall cleaning. I just today took off the rocker cover and found a heap of sludge which wasn't what l was expecting.. see pictures below. I am guessing this muck which looks like candle wax needs to come out but I am wondering what l am in for now and the best way forward? I dropped the oil and took off the oil pan as seen in the last pic and no metal to be found on the oil pickup and no sludge. From what understand from the previous owner the motor has been sitting around for sometime..


Anyway keen to hear some thoughts, thanks Chris
2020-12-22 12:14:54
Do you know how it runs? Does it smoke? It does look pretty mucky but who knows how long it sat. If it still runs good, I would change the oil and run it for 1000 miles or so and then change the oil again. Maybe do that three or four times and hopefully it cleans it a little bit. If it doesn’t, then the engine might have a short lifespan.
2020-12-23 15:29:53
I missed pictures, my Sr20 happened to be a five year stand still maintained by wtffuck upto molten catalyzer (assume broken vac and dead oxygen sensor) then driven proper and standstill 3 years and between short groceries, no sludge never, how?
2020-12-23 21:14:27
Take everything apart except leave the head on the block. Clean with diesel fuel and similar. Play close attention to the oil pump and small oil galleys.
Replace the main and rod bearings. Possibly the thrust bearings as well.
When the engine is back up and running, use crappy oil and change it after the first good heat cycle (one drive). Fill with more cheap oil and give it 100 miles and then change it again.

@Vadim went through a similar situation a long time ago. You might find his thread interesting if you can find it.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2020-12-23 at 21-19-22.
2020-12-27 20:10:54
Did you lift oil filler cap perhaps o great one? ?
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