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Thread: plastic L peice inside valve cover

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2018-07-04 12:08:27
plastic L peice inside valve cover
curious as to what the L shaped plastic piece is on the inside of the vc. I went to the salvage yard yesterday and pulled a vc off and was cleaning it when I got home and it broke from the slightest nudge, being old and brittle I didn't worry to much cause its plastic, I just cant figure out what the hell its called.

Thanks in advance

2018-07-04 13:42:13
A picture would really help. Can you post one please?

I think you're talking about the access hole for the PCV valve part of the PCV system. It's integral to the valve cover, and I don't think it can be replaced. A new valve cover would be the answer, or some home-brew fix, but I also don't think it's super important. You can probably do without it.
2018-07-04 15:10:53
The more I think about it, the more I think you're maybe talking about the oil drain for the oil-gathering-passageways in the valve cover. Again, not something you can buy to replace, but you could maybe DIY if you're ballsy enough. That said, it's not too important.
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