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Can someone confirm that eclipse GSX turbo pads will fit NX front calipers?
I appreciate any insight cause I am not finding sheet for pads
I have not tried the D484s with my AD22VFs, but the links below say they work.
AD22VF brake woes on my NX - Nissan Forum | Nissan Forums
"Just for reference sake, when ordering pads from anyone, refer to the FMSI (Frictional
Materials Standard Institute) for the AD22 brakes(nx2000) is D549. The AD18 brakes which
are the smaller nx brakes is D509. The eclipse/Talon pad is D484, which will work in the
nx2000 brakes. "
Ad22vf pad options - Page 3 - SR20 Forum
"Just for future refrence, I used the 90-92 eclipse/talon turbo pad on my nx brakes. It fit fine, although the pad sucked. (akebono)"