Thread revival!
Decided to have another go at the NX while I construct my EVNX in parallell. The EV is more of a long term project, but it sure would be nice to get some ttop action this summer...
So, troubleshooting continues.
Pulled the car out of 7month storage, It was quite dirty:
Washed and ready to work on:
First order of business was to perform a cold compression test.
Seems good enough for a VE with metal HG?
Then I started it, still slightly misses at >2200rpm;
-Took an oscilloscope, and counted ignition pulses coming from the AEM COP driver. No missing pulses were observed at 3000rpm
-Also checked the injector driver to Cyl4, whilst locked at 2ms injection duration@3000rpm, no change in pulse waveform is seen when misfires occurs.
Then I played more with the tune.
-No closed loop. No knock correction. No offsets.
-Running pig rich, 11.x AFR is not affecting misfire. Still misses
-Running lean, 15.x AFR will maybe cause it to slightly miss more? Dunno really, kinda hard to hear.
-Running with low ignition timing (20*@3000rpm) will not affect misfire
-Running with high ignition timing (30*@3000rpm) will not affect misfire
Other oddities/stuff noticed
-Load signal is good, misfires with MAP or TPS as load source
-Knock voltage jumps between 0.5V -> 2.5V when the car misses.
Eh, this pile of scrap is not giving me an easy time. Will try to measure all 4 injectors along with 1 channel for ignition, and trend everything on a better scope. I am highly suspecting something mechanical still...