OK, I was lying awake over the weekend and my brain was refusing to shut down, and I started thinking of this mail thread and realized that I had screwed up. If the old breaker was popping, then the current overload that would have tripped this would have been AFTER the breaker. The battery wire leading to the trunk could NOT have been the culprit, because a short on that cable would not have had current passing through the breaker.
Now, the old breaker may just have been failing and tripping prematurely. Once a breaker has popped a few times, it isn't unusual for it to take less of an overload to pop again in the future, hard to say at this point why that may have started happening, but it obviously needed replacing.
As for the rubber gromets to protect the cable, I'm sure that a lot of installs don't have these, and many installs will never have a problem. But it just adds a bit of extra protection to the cable, so if you have a chance to add some protection, do it.
Originally Posted by
Exactly! At random times, I'd be driving the car, park somewhere, shut it off, and all electric power was cut to everything, seemingly out of the blue. So I had to pop the hood, flip the switch and power would come back on. Eventually the little plastic switch broke off, so I knew that the very next time the power cut out I'd have to physically remove the entire thing, and it happened last week. Pulled up somewhere, shut the car off, power gone.
Now, with it removed and all wires connected together correctly you're having some sparking, more than the typical small spark like when connecting jumper cables, correct?
Yep. When I go to connect all 3 wires together (that came off the removed kill switch) with a bolt and electrical tape (the battery power cable leading to the trunk, the power cable to the fuses, and the power cable to the starter) - go to reconnect the negative battery terminal to the battery, it sparks and smokes like hell. Like wayyyyy beyond normal. Literally smoke comes off the terminal, and so of course I pull it off quick.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this issue. I need to clarify, you said you would park the car, shut it off, and then all the power was cut. Did that happen RIGHT AFTER shutting off the car (your radio and lights instantly died, etc), or you got out of the car, came back, put the key in, heard chimes, went to start, then DEAD. Or something else. I'm curious on when exactly power went out, so try to figure out what may have been tripping the breaker.
My gut says that when you tried to start the car would be when this would pop, as the starter draws a LOT of current, but it isn't clear from how you worded that.
Also, hooking those three lines together with a bolt should have been no different than the distribution block, electrically speaking. The block is just a strip of metal with threaded holes for easily adding new lines to. So this seems to indicate that something is still intermittently shorting out, somewhere, but wherever this is, it is happening BEFORE getting to any fuses or they would have blown first.