Questions regarding a swap- please help
I figure I need to make a thread for this instead of trying to use chat. My Internet @ home went out the other day and not sure when I'll get that back.
And cell reception here @ home sucks ass.
So it's really hard to discuss anything on the chat for sure now.
I should be doing some research but with the aforementioned issues I can't. So I figured maybe I could make a thread here and people could help me out.
Looks like the Chupacabra (92 Nx2k) will be getting a '99 g20 low port as a heart and the transmission as well.
Now here are my questions so far:
1) the Chupacabra is apparently an obd1 & the g20 is obd2 (no, won't be getting the ecu or harness stuffs from g20).
So I would like to know what I need to do here?
2) I assume all motor/trans mounts are the same between the Nx and G20?
3) the G20 has hydraulic clutch but I think I'd prefer to stick with cable clutch. What all is needed to make this change?
4) will all the plugs from my harness be used on this engine or will there be some things not used (either from the Nx's wiring side or the engine side of things)?
5) which axles do I use? G20's I would think, but not sure if G20's are wider or narrower than an Nx.
6) is there ANYTHING I should/need to know regarding a swap like this? Wisdom? Learnin's?
Remember this IS my 1st ever swap. I am probably over thinking it and making it seem like it's way more complicated than it is (which I tend to do) but I just want to do it right.
I am sure I'll have more questions later on when we get down-n-dirty (which if everything goes as planned should be real soon) but until then this is all I have. But I'll address all future questions here in this thread as well.
Thank you
And cell reception here @ home sucks ass.
So it's really hard to discuss anything on the chat for sure now.
I should be doing some research but with the aforementioned issues I can't. So I figured maybe I could make a thread here and people could help me out.
Looks like the Chupacabra (92 Nx2k) will be getting a '99 g20 low port as a heart and the transmission as well.
Now here are my questions so far:
1) the Chupacabra is apparently an obd1 & the g20 is obd2 (no, won't be getting the ecu or harness stuffs from g20).
So I would like to know what I need to do here?
2) I assume all motor/trans mounts are the same between the Nx and G20?
3) the G20 has hydraulic clutch but I think I'd prefer to stick with cable clutch. What all is needed to make this change?
4) will all the plugs from my harness be used on this engine or will there be some things not used (either from the Nx's wiring side or the engine side of things)?
5) which axles do I use? G20's I would think, but not sure if G20's are wider or narrower than an Nx.
6) is there ANYTHING I should/need to know regarding a swap like this? Wisdom? Learnin's?
Remember this IS my 1st ever swap. I am probably over thinking it and making it seem like it's way more complicated than it is (which I tend to do) but I just want to do it right.
I am sure I'll have more questions later on when we get down-n-dirty (which if everything goes as planned should be real soon) but until then this is all I have. But I'll address all future questions here in this thread as well.
Thank you