easier way - i know because i just had to do this twice last weekend.
set the crank pulley to tdc compression. you find this by setting the crank to the line 2nd from the left. youll know if youre at tdc compression by looking at the cams and seeing all 4 valves in the up position. at this point, your intake cam dowel pin should be facing the 10 o'clock position, if its not, get it there. the exhaust cam dowel pin should be facing the 12 o'clock position, if its not, get it there.
the chain cannot slip off of the crankshaft pulley because theres no clearance for it to do so. once you have all of your dots lined up, install the tensioner and rotate the crank pulley. youll hear and see the tensioner let go and tighten. at this point, slowly spin the crank to make sure your valves are not hitting the pistons (they wont hit if youve got the cams lined up correctly). once the chain is fully tightened, spin the crank backwards and line up all of your marks again to verify. install the cas or dis and youre done.