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Thread: Won't Go Into Any gear - Manual

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2015-02-08 23:44:28
Won't Go Into Any gear - Manual
Hey guys,

Car has had the gears replaced about 5 months ago and worked perfectly. I drove it today and it seemed fine, but I parked it and now it won't go into any gear. It feels like it's in gear because when I let off the clutch it shuts off, but it can't be moved into any other gear. Any ideas?

I should also add that it drives in whatever gear it is currently in but feels weak.

Thank you!!
Last edited by David99G20T on 2015-02-08 at 23-52-09.
2015-02-09 00:50:46
Check your linkage. It sounds like something is loose or missing.
2015-02-09 21:12:42
It probably feels weak because it is stuck in a gear other than 1st. If you can drive it in what ever gear it is stuck in (clutch engages/disengages properly), I would agree it is in the shifter linkage. Does the shifter move freely or not at all? ANy difference in feel with engine running and engine off?
2015-02-09 21:44:35
Check the linkage and rear mount aswell. Make sure all the bolts have been put back in if the trans was out.
2015-02-10 23:26:56
Originally Posted by DaveM
Make sure all the bolts have been put back in if the trans was out.

It's funny that you mentioned this because I had a mechanic who I've used before install it, but when he did I noticed a lot of noise from the engine after he installed it. He left a couple of motor mount bolts extremely loose, so it wouldn't surprise me if he left a couple of other bolts off or very loose as well.

It felt like it may have been in a gear, but the best way to describe it is that it felt like it was partially in gear. Seemed to make funny noises or something when trying to drive it. I had to move it into a better position for the tow truck driver to tow it home. When he got there he turned on the car and let go of the clutch and nothing...It just stood there and didn't shut off this time. If you moved the shifter slightly to the sides you would hear a slight grinding sound as if it just couldn't make it in gear completely.

The funny part is that it drove perfectly that whole day with no noises coming from the tranny (none that I could hear), then I parked it. When I got back in I put it in reverse and it moved, but I couldn't get it into any other gear after that. I tried everything, but couldn't get the shifter to move so I let my foot off the clutch and it moved forward so I parked it. Which is strange because I don't remember it even letting me put it in any gear.

Hopefully it may just be a shifter bushing. I'm going to order one from the dealership and take a look at it this weekend.

Thanks for the help!!
Last edited by David99G20T on 2015-02-10 at 23-34-45.
2015-02-11 02:59:00
Is there any difference in shifter feel/movement with the engine running and engine off? If it moves freely with engine off, but does not move into gear with the engine running and clutch pedal depressed that is pointing to a clutch issue (not disengaging).
2015-02-11 07:40:05
Try adjusting your clutch cable. Loosen the nut all the way, making sure to bring it back to where the clutch arm still has some play in it.

I don't have a step 2

2015-02-11 22:26:47
Originally Posted by 2000atlanticgt
Is there any difference in shifter feel/movement with the engine running and engine off? If it moves freely with engine off, but does not move into gear with the engine running and clutch pedal depressed that is pointing to a clutch issue (not disengaging).

Yeah, it's the same with engine on or off.

Nismoguy - It's a hydraulic clutch so there's no cable.

Thanks for the help!!
2015-02-12 03:06:56
Sorry to say that sounds like it is internal to the transmission to me.
2015-02-23 20:11:03
Wondering if we have an update on this.

The exact same thing happened to me just last week. Put it in reverse moved a couple of car lengths, thought it popped into neutral but then the shifter got lost low in the pattern, somewhere in the area of 4th. It's like 4th is neutral and neutral is third. Really too cold to do any SERious investigation, car's in the outlot at work, but i did notice one of the shift rods hanging so low it was now contacting the sway bar.

Have you had any exhaust work done recently? This happened only a couple of days after getting an old cat welded in so doubly suspicious of the linkage now.
Last edited by paul p on 2015-02-23 at 20-18-33.
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