That would be some serious business full race car shit because solid mounts in a Sentra will vibrate your teeth out.
I had nylon solid mounts in my G20 and that was the most obnoxious thing I have ever done to any car. I had to scream at the passenger next to me until I hit about 4,000 RPM.
Needless to say, I removed those solid mounts because my rib cage started to vibrate excessively on longer trips. That and my hands would feel like I was weed whacking for hours on end after a fifteen minute trip.
I still have no idea why folks wonder about vibrations in the cabin when they put solid mounts in the whole car. The passenger side transmits the majority of NVH so I highly recommend keeping those OEM to folks that care about NVH in the cabin.
But, if you are doing serious race car shit, these would be ideal!
Last edited by Kyle
on 2014-10-28
at 18-28-35.