hey my car has been acting up the past couple weeks with back firing out the exhaust when under load. the fuel pressure line had rust hole in it so i replaced the line hose to pump and installed a new walbro pump turn on great revved great turned it off and immediately turned it back on and its started running like shit my msd 6a digi showed me that not all my cylinders were getting spark by the blinks on the box i checked my grounds cleaned them even, still same prob , long story short now the car isn't starting at all (no spark ) i pulled the distrib and turned it with the key forward i can hear the injectors pulsing i put a dvom to the red and im getting 12v green with yel tracer 5v but once i turn it i goes to about 2v-3v but doesn't go above that isn't this wire supposed to flux from 0-5v either if some one could guide me to where the test procedure is that would be great or any advice that would be great ive done this test before but its so many yea i kinda for got btw im stuck at my shop right now so the sooner the better ty lol