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Thread: Buying a car without papers?

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2014-03-29 19:35:17
Or you pull the vin plates from your car and put them on the new car and bamo good to go and only super illegal but it works every time. Almost no states will inspect the car and even if they do they don't know ish about them. Just tell them you had a body shop add extra doors lol. In no way do I condone this I'm just Giving you options.
2014-03-29 20:58:50

What happened? Any update?
2014-03-30 15:22:21
Originally Posted by Chris101

What happened? Any update?

No updates as of yet, we got hit with a big ol snowstorm a few days ago. So im just waiting for some of this snow to melt before I go check it out. I have the vin so either tomorrow or tuesday Im gonna run it to the dmv and see what they can pull up.
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