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Thread: Buying a car without papers?

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2014-03-27 13:00:33
Buying a car without papers?
So I recently came across an add for a 97 nissan sentra gxe for $250. The car's exterior looks mint and is a california vehicle. I have yet to see the car in person but the pics look amazing, No rust on quarters or door jams. Now the car does not have paperwork and he has yet to reply to me about how he acquired the vehicle. I really dont need another project as the head gasket blew in it, but I have a complete 95 200sx se-r sitting in the driveway that could make for an easy swap and a solid daily.
My question is has anyone ever delt with a vehicle without the paper work, how did you go about getting the proper paper work. I assume if i took the vin to the dmv they would be able to check to make sure it's not stolen or no leans are owed on the vehicle. Thanks dave
2014-03-27 13:09:22
In the states if you have a friend with a shop you can put a mechanics lean on it providing it's not stolen
2014-03-27 13:27:56
Originally Posted by Dave_SR20
In the states if you have a friend with a shop you can put a mechanics lean on it providing it's not stolen

What exactly would a mechanics lean be? Thanks dave
2014-03-27 13:31:00
If you take your car to a shop and never pick it up after a few months the shop can do a lean and get the title in the shop's name. Then you would transfer it to your name
2014-03-27 13:36:13
Originally Posted by Dave_SR20
If you take your car to a shop and never pick it up after a few months the shop can do a lean and get the title in the shop's name. Then you would transfer it to your name

Ok, The majority of my friends are mechanics but none of them have there own shop. Maybe there bosses would be super cool and help a guy out, LOl. I was hoping to check it out tomorrow but we got hit with about 50cm of snow yesterday, haha biggest storm we've had all winter and it's spring! Regardless im gonna get the vin from the guy and run it to the dmv, that's probably the best way to go about this. Thanks Dave
2014-03-27 13:40:49
I'd assume it's stolen and walk away.
2014-03-27 14:11:46
Originally Posted by SE-RMonkey
I'd assume it's stolen and walk away.

$250? For the entire car? Gotta be stolen unless it has no motor
2014-03-27 14:22:23
I too would assume it's stolen. I would not walk away though. I would get the VIN out of them, and then check it with the local police and DMV, and ask them where else to check.
You might just get someone their stolen car back.
2014-03-27 14:33:46
I don't think the car is stolen, if it actually came from california you would need at least the proper paper work to get it across the border at the time of entry. Yes the motor is shot, hence the cheap price. I'm definitely not going to walk away, I'll be contacting him in an hour or so to see if he is compliant to getting me the vin to check into it at least. Like ben said if it is stolen then maybe I'll be helping someone get there car back. Thanks Dave

Here's a link to his add

2014-03-27 14:40:19
I did this once and it took me five years to get the pink slip.
Wish I new the a mechanic shop way back then.
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