Originally Posted by
jagy We have used stock main caps, torqued to specs. No assembly lube, just some 10w40 oil on the bearings.
What is the suggestion then? Put it apart and...?
Yes, pull it apart and start over. Measuring is the key. Get some plastigauge, install the main caps with the specified torque sequence and measure the squashed plastiguage.
Assembly lube won't help the crank spin any easier. Infact, it would be harder to spin the crank since it's higher viscosity(thicker). The factories don't even use assembly lube when they build the engines. They just squirt some oil on the journals and bearings, that's about it. Assembly lube is good if you are going to let the assembled engine sit for awhile, helps with the dry start. Personally, I use both, but I don't go crazy with the assembly lube, just sparingly.