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Thread: B13 Clutch Cable replacement

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2013-11-27 00:56:57
B13 Clutch Cable replacement
I have been actively searching the forum for those who have replaced a B13 clutch cable. I have not found a how-to link. Would anyone care to chime in with either a link they may know of or how to disconnect and replace the cable? I understand how to do the transmission side, that's pretty much self explanatory, I am more concerned with disconnecting from under the dash and proper adjustment.
2013-11-27 01:02:35
It's a huge pain to get the pedal side. You should do it outside in the daylight and with a big light or flashlight attached to your head or something. Disconnect the two 12mm or 14mm bolts (forget which size) at firewall that holds the frame portion. if you haven't yet removed the old one from the pedal side try and see how it's attached and then kind of do the same thing. Just feed the new one thru the firewall side from under the hood
2013-11-27 01:27:40
Reach under, feel the hook that has the open end towards the rear of the car, remove the cable from the hook. Go back to the engine bay and pull the cable through and replace with the new one.

It is easier to go by feel, look in the FSM to understand what you are touching, read what you are touching with your fingers.

Index of /FSM
2013-11-27 02:20:07
Ah the joys of converting to hydraulic I dont miss fideling with the cable clutch bs. As said above the interior part of it is best done by feel or slide the drivers seat all the way back and recline it all the way and lay on your back and look up there, be prepared to drop a few F bombs cause its a monster pain In the arse.
2013-11-27 02:55:46
Yeah I felt around a little bit and I am not happy. I am going to pull the drivers seat to give me some wiggle room. The FSM link was helpful. Just gonna get it done
2013-11-27 14:38:18
Originally Posted by Kyle
Reach under, feel the hook that has the open end towards the rear of the car, remove the cable from the hook. Go back to the engine bay and pull the cable through and replace with the new one.

It is easier to go by feel, look in the FSM to understand what you are touching, read what you are touching with your fingers.

Index of /FSM

This reminds me of my girlfriend back in 7th grade.
2013-11-27 15:08:55
Originally Posted by clean_classic
Yeah I felt around a little bit and I am not happy. I am going to pull the drivers seat to give me some wiggle room. The FSM link was helpful. Just gonna get it done

I used to pull the seat too. I think its easier to do it blind with maximum patience. Try sitting or squatting on the ground outside the car and fishing up there with your left hand (to the left of the clutch pedal). Get your whole paw up in there and feel for about a 1 inch horizontal lip. Go above that an inch or two and you should feel the cable. To get the end off the hook pull the cable back (toward rear) and up.

When you put the new cable in it can be easier to have some one push the trans end of the cable in to give you more slack to get the end on the hook.
2013-11-27 15:36:10
Originally Posted by Storm88000
It's a huge pain to get the pedal side. You should do it outside in the daylight and with a big light or flashlight attached to your head or something. Disconnect the two 12mm or 14mm bolts (forget which size) at firewall that holds the frame portion. if you haven't yet removed the old one from the pedal side try and see how it's attached and then kind of do the same thing. Just feed the new one thru the firewall side from under the hood

You don't have to nor should you remove any bolts. The clutch cable simply hooks on to the clutch pedal. The piece on the firewall is simply a stopper for the clutch cable much like the transmission arm. Doesn't need to come off. The cable is simply fished through it.

This is what I'd recommend:

- Unhook clutch cable from transmission hook
- Then, unhook clutch cable from pedal. Feel for the clutch cable going on to the pedal. It's easier to do it by looking at it, but eventually you can get it w/just feel.

I can have a clutch cable off and out of the car within 5 minutes. The hardest part for me is usually the engine side :/

Last edited by gomba on 2013-11-27 at 15-48-33.
2013-11-27 15:53:10
Originally Posted by BurtonNX2000
Originally Posted by clean_classic
Yeah I felt around a little bit and I am not happy. I am going to pull the drivers seat to give me some wiggle room. The FSM link was helpful. Just gonna get it done

I used to pull the seat too. I think its easier to do it blind with maximum patience. Try sitting or squatting on the ground outside the car and fishing up there with your left hand (to the left of the clutch pedal). Get your whole paw up in there and feel for about a 1 inch horizontal lip. Go above that an inch or two and you should feel the cable. To get the end off the hook pull the cable back (toward rear) and up.

When you put the new cable in it can be easier to have some one push the trans end of the cable in to give you more slack to get the end on the hook.

Good advice thanks

- - - Updated - - -

Originally Posted by gomba
Originally Posted by Storm88000
It's a huge pain to get the pedal side. You should do it outside in the daylight and with a big light or flashlight attached to your head or something. Disconnect the two 12mm or 14mm bolts (forget which size) at firewall that holds the frame portion. if you haven't yet removed the old one from the pedal side try and see how it's attached and then kind of do the same thing. Just feed the new one thru the firewall side from under the hood

You don't have to nor should you remove any bolts. The clutch cable simply hooks on to the clutch pedal. The piece on the firewall is simply a stopper for the clutch cable much like the transmission arm. Doesn't need to come off. The cable is simply fished through it.

This is what I'd recommend:

- Unhook clutch cable from transmission hook
- Then, unhook clutch cable from pedal. Feel for the clutch cable going on to the pedal. It's easier to do it by looking at it, but eventually you can get it w/just feel.

I can have a clutch cable off and out of the car within 5 minutes. The hardest part for me is usually the engine side :/


You make it sound as easy an unsnapping a chicks bra
2013-11-27 18:46:31
Originally Posted by Storm88000
It's a huge pain to get the pedal side. You should do it outside in the daylight and with a big light or flashlight attached to your head or something. Disconnect the two 12mm or 14mm bolts (forget which size) at firewall that holds the frame portion. if you haven't yet removed the old one from the pedal side try and see how it's attached and then kind of do the same thing. Just feed the new one thru the firewall side from under the hood

Disagree - There is no need to remove the 2 nuts that hold the "BRACKET-CLUTCH CONTROL CABLE" (clutch cable alignment protection sleeve) at the firewall as the the cable will slide out.

Disconnect from the trans first
From the trans side, push the cable through it's sleve
Go under the dash & unhook from the pedal
Under the brake master, there is a bracket that holds the cable - use WD40 or other lube and it will pop right out
Pull the entire assy out from under the hood.

Entire process can be done in the dark in less than 5 minutes...

Good Luck
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