I love the negativity of my family...rather than breaking limits we always creating more limits. I knew the thread was going to start somewhere on this line.
Now back to the topic like stated on the 1st post:
"This is just a open thread for ideas and comments. To maybe one day some one can do it or even me..lol..
*What would be necessary for such of swap beside engine? Choice of tranny? What type of fabrications? Etc?"
Meaning to give ideas to what may be needed to do such of project (Fabrications, mods, etc). This idea came up from the built that
@White steve fro CT posted.
Also from the idea of
@erikalizzetalanis of converting a FWD engine to use as RWD engine. (
New Girl Here ..... Yes some of us like SR20 to 
So if a FWD engine can be converted as a RWD engine. Why can a RWD be converted to a FWD. Obviously lots of fabrication needs to be parts of the build well that's what this thread was started to take this concept and expanded to break it down into what can be done to do it. Since it has been done. Even if it means making the car RWD or even just convert the RWD engine to FWD.
@JakeB In no post anyone said that i would be a simple project. That's why its a informative thread for ideas on what can be done to create the idea.
@SE-Rawkus FYI: I don't smoke anymore or do other things that I used to do that would off got me into jail or killed. Thanks to the Lord for taking me out of the way that I was, cause if not who knows where I would be today. Cause it sure wouldn't be here chating with all of you who I consider my other family and the passion that we all have for our cars and engines.
@White steve fro CT for the link I was looking for that. I saw it some where and was trying to look for it and thanks
@erikalizzetalanis for creating such of interesting projects.