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“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever” - Chinese Proverb
Oh 1 more thing.. your takin shit way to personel.. I've givin @speedricer a TON of shit.. way more then probably anyone else an he dont cry like a lil beeyotch..
Speedricer is a good guy and I know him personally. You give him shit and me shit because your an internet TOUGH GUY. You're a perfect example of an internet bully. Don't forget you get what you give. Treat people like shit and it will come back to you.. either in a spun rod bearing or a broken nose.
BTW "personnel' typically refers to employment, believe you meant to write "personal"
And atleast im smart enough if I do blow something up I can fix it correctly in no time..
So you're implying I "blew something up" - what exactly was that? You'd never say any of this to anyones faces here.. you live in Washington so thankfully I won't have to see you in June. You probably live in your parents basement, right? Thought so
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