I'm going to start off by saying I'm a drag radial guy. I been using them for years, never had a issue with them. They have always done what I needed them to do. Recently I decided to pass down the radials in favor for some Mickey Thompson ET street slicks. I mounted them on B14 sel wheels tubeless. The weird issue I'm having is at normal operating pressure which is 15 p.s.i or lower they look extremely flat. I'm talking so flat that they almost look like their riding the rim. I always been uncomfortable about this since I purchased them, even going down track I have a unsettling feeling in my stomach because the tires are not able to be felt through the steering wheel.... I've even had to hold the wheel a quarter turn to the left or right to keep the car going strait down track.back to back random racers have came up to me at the track to warn me my tires have gone flat....so I know something is wrong. Granted I been using one of those stick style tire pressure gauges temporarily I know they suck balls but it gets the job done for now. Has anyone ever experienced this with these tires? Should I be using aftermarket wheels with them, and would that make a difference? No pictures at the moment but I can get some up later in the week if needed.
Last edited by Topdog781
on 2013-11-01
at 03-28-49.