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Thread: Does anyone else see a ton of Infiniti G20 on the road?

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2013-07-29 05:25:49
Does anyone else see a ton of Infiniti G20 on the road?
I see them everywhere. Almost once a day. They are almost always white, always stock (looking), driven by older women.

If they only knew....

Just snapped this pic of one today (camera phone pic):

They are everywhere, but never ONCE have I seen one modified, or has the person seem interested in my car (B13 or B14)

Oh well. I've had every SR20 except the G20.
Last edited by Storm88000 on 2013-07-29 at 05-27-12.
2013-07-29 05:33:07
Hey hey now don't hate on the p11 lol I rarely see them here... Maybe like once a week at most lol. If I do see one they are just the normal g20 and i laugh knowing mine looks cooler :P but I'm going to be selling it soon, maybe a old lady will buy it LOL
2013-07-29 05:37:26
No hate at all on them.. I love them, they look great, and look much newer than they really are. Look like 2006 or something
Last edited by Storm88000 on 2013-07-29 at 06-31-14.
2013-07-29 10:00:32
Re: Does anyone else see a ton of Infiniti G20 on the road?
Ha, yeah, I see em from time to time. I see a lot of everything but QT1 up near me. But you're right on always stock appearance (like me lol). Always have thought they were great looking cars. My mother in law was the original owner of my first P11. I didn't know much about them, but when she needed me to look at something under the hood, and I saw there was an SR under there, I was hooked. That was about 9 years ago and I've been an addict ever since lol.

Sent from my ALCATEL_one_touch_995S using Tapatalk 2
2013-07-29 12:07:59
I only see the occasional P10/P11, of course I don't get out much. I had an auto '95 't' and a manual '93.5. Sold the '93.5 to fund the SE-R purchase, I miss it but not enough that I regret buying the SE-R.

That said, if I could find a decent manual '02 Sport I'd consider letting the SE-R go.
Last edited by SE-RMonkey on 2013-07-29 at 12-10-29.
2013-07-29 12:15:34
I see my P10 in my driveway daily and my brother has his that I see frequently. He is sporting a DET and I am currently building a VET setup. They are starting to be a few and far between setup here in Utah but I can think of at least eight that have at least a DET swap here.
Last edited by lukep10 on 2013-07-29 at 12-16-55.
2013-07-29 15:01:54
Originally Posted by Storm88000
I see them everywhere. Almost once a day. They are almost always white, always stock (looking), driven by older women.

If they only knew....


If they only knew what? That it has an outdated engine, a slush box tranny and a rear suspension that sucks monkey balls for anything other than driving to the mall to shop for the grand kids?
2013-07-29 15:27:37
G20's have always costed a premium $$ for not much car. Now days they are finally under the 4-5K range thus more affordable. You still get the Fancy Infinity badges to go along with the fancy Sentra.

Don't take that as me hating on G20's, I've owned 4 of them (and still have one) :-P.

Originally Posted by hammerin
Originally Posted by Storm88000
I see them everywhere. Almost once a day. They are almost always white, always stock (looking), driven by older women.

If they only knew....


If they only knew what? That it has an outdated engine, a slush box tranny and a rear suspension that sucks monkey balls for anything other than driving to the mall to shop for the grand kids?

You know if you keep it stock height they are not half bad handling wise. The high rear roll center only really starts being evident when you lower the car and push it to the limits. I bet most of the drivers would have a heart attach before they make a tire screech on their G20's.
2013-07-29 16:55:56
Fair amount of P11's. It is a rare sight to see a P10 around where I live. Everyone upgrades there cars when the brand new lease is expired so I don't see a lot of old cars on the road for long where I live.
2013-07-29 17:43:02
This is what I see when driving in my surrounding metro area:

P10/11> B15 SE> B13/14 SE-R> B14 SE/SE-L
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