Why has no one posted this info yet?
The N16 Files: Quaife ATB LSD Now Available for 32A and 70A Gearboxes
Another link: http://forum.pulsar.org.au/showthread.php/98025-QUAIFE-QDF17L-LSD
It wont be cheap, but all you 32 or 70 series open diff guys have the option finally after almost a decade of them discontinuing the old part number for the 32V transmissions.
The N16 Files: Quaife ATB LSD Now Available for 32A and 70A Gearboxes
Quaife ATB LSD Now Available for 32A and 70A Gearboxes
Thanks to some blokes Down Under Quaife now has a ATB (Automatic Torque Biasing) helical gear LSD for the RS5F32A series gearboxes. And as you know a LSD for that gearbox also fits the RS5F70A. The LSD is so new its no yet up on Quaife's website but the listing is available in Quaife's 2013 catalogue. You can download the catalogue here. Part number is QDF17L (Nissan Almera/Primera).
Thanks to some blokes Down Under Quaife now has a ATB (Automatic Torque Biasing) helical gear LSD for the RS5F32A series gearboxes. And as you know a LSD for that gearbox also fits the RS5F70A. The LSD is so new its no yet up on Quaife's website but the listing is available in Quaife's 2013 catalogue. You can download the catalogue here. Part number is QDF17L (Nissan Almera/Primera).
Another link: http://forum.pulsar.org.au/showthread.php/98025-QUAIFE-QDF17L-LSD
It wont be cheap, but all you 32 or 70 series open diff guys have the option finally after almost a decade of them discontinuing the old part number for the 32V transmissions.
Last edited by unijabnx2000
on 2013-07-17
at 09-46-13.