Kind of been following this thread on ft86 for a while now...
There seems to be some awesome progress with this kit and good data to back it up.
FYI there were more videos posted with the e-charger car doing some roll races with a bolted and tuned FRS, but the OP took them down. The results can be found in the reading.
The thread did get derailed with a bunch of people throwing out ideas on how to change/improve it to their liking... but overall a promising product.
There seems to be some awesome progress with this kit and good data to back it up.
FYI there were more videos posted with the e-charger car doing some roll races with a bolted and tuned FRS, but the OP took them down. The results can be found in the reading.
The thread did get derailed with a bunch of people throwing out ideas on how to change/improve it to their liking... but overall a promising product.
The idea of this project is to give the FRS or BRZ a nice increase of torque and power on demand. This is by no means meant to compete with full time FI applications but should provide that nice little bump in power that most people want.
In this thread i will catalog the install of this kit and share my experiences with the system.
The system consists of the cold side of a turbo, high power and high quality brushless motor controller and AGM battery charger and two compact SLA 12 volt batteries.
The system removes the standard FRS battery and replaces it with 3 compact batteries. Two wired in series designed to dump charge to the DC motor attached to the turbo and One separate battery to start the car and run the various electrical systems. The system engages instantaneously when a WOT switch is activated delivering between 5 and 2 PSI. The key here is that this boost is NON-Parasitic and every PSI counts as boost comes via the dump batteries and not from the exhaust or crank pulley.
This will probably be a learning experience but if this project is successful i think alot of people are going to have alot more fun with this car.
The kit has been proven on the dyno on many cars in the past but none as advanced or as high powered as the FRS.
As i get more information i will share it here.
Here is the kit that will be going on my car next week!

UPDATE #2 - Here is what everyone is waiting for. Had alot of fun today ripping it, car feels great.
We vetted out the stock tune, works great on stock tune, really damn impressed with this thing. STOCK tune actually made more HP!!!! Im working with the developer of this to get even more out of it.
As you can see EVERY SINGLE DAMN psi counts, if we can get 1 more PSI up top thats AT LEAST 20 hp more peak!
Peak gains are 80FT pd in the dip!!!!!!!!
Without further ado, the fabled numbers are IN!
First up, stage 1 visconti, stage 1 visconti with Phantom supercharger

Next up TORQUE.... and lots of them. Read out was 188 ft/pd compared to stock 109, anyone want 75% more torque?

Next up, STOCK for STOCK. Bolt on supercharger and go. We actually made more with stock tune!

Next up, AFR's STOCK vs STOCK with super:

NOW LASTLY..... i have a overlay with vortech SC(same dyno), you guys wouldn't be interested in see that would you?
OH btw this is all at a DAM of 1 and no knock correction

FRS BRZ Electric Supercharger - Casual drive - YouTube
FRS BRZ Electric supercharger - YouTube
Adding more video's
Video Update 2: Tried my hand at the 60 to 120 mph and another 0-60.... tunning comes tomorrow!
Adding information on new motor controller:
Okay so update time:
I got the new motor controller today, now it doesn't increase power or anything but it does one KEY thing.
The new motor controller has an additional sensor the reads inline between the charger and the throttle body. Once a negative pressure is detected which differs from atmospheric it kicks on the supercharger a bit(not sure how much but it doesn't even drop the charge past 28v).
This little bit makes me SOOOO happy, it hardly drains any power and the car is nice and zippy through the torque dip now as it is allowing the engine to not work as hard to suck past the stock intake and the charger.
Its a very nice gesture and Rob said it would undoubtedly give a little boost over stock without the charger as it maintains just above the atmospheric baseline and you can feel it.
The torque dip isn't a massive void like it feels stock or even with the charger. NOW I'm not saying "WOW torque dip gone", but the car just feels zippier.
Its kinda like that partial throttle boost you guys are talking about except on a smaller scale..... either way we are making progress on something that is already proving itself to be a serious competitor. Just look at this compared to the innovative, avo or fullblown kits that have been posted this week, they are all making about 200 hp.
There is lots of new developments happening and Rob is busy as a bee in his workshop testing out some new stuff! Its nice to know that i am not 100% a Guinea pig and he really does his due diligence when putting stuff out to market!
WELL WELL WELL - I am simply exstatic about the results tonight. Toma tuned us up nice, didnt invest too much time in it and he still wants to play around with it more.
We got it working at 2500 RPM no problem and this thing is a TORQUE monster, it just rockets away. The top end feels soooooooo good now too, its just buttery smooth and pulls hard all the way to redline.
The AFR's are much better as well. It doesnt go quiet as rich up top as it did with the stock tune. I cant wait to get some more video's up for you guys in the coming days.
We did another pull after this with a extra little battery pack that Rob rigged up and made ALMOST 210hp but we arent posting that dyno as that will probably be considered a power adder or something like that.
Rob didnt want to artifically inflate the numbers for you guys, he is straight shooter and Toma is a Tuning master!!
Without further ado, our preliminary tune results!!!!

In this thread i will catalog the install of this kit and share my experiences with the system.
The system consists of the cold side of a turbo, high power and high quality brushless motor controller and AGM battery charger and two compact SLA 12 volt batteries.
The system removes the standard FRS battery and replaces it with 3 compact batteries. Two wired in series designed to dump charge to the DC motor attached to the turbo and One separate battery to start the car and run the various electrical systems. The system engages instantaneously when a WOT switch is activated delivering between 5 and 2 PSI. The key here is that this boost is NON-Parasitic and every PSI counts as boost comes via the dump batteries and not from the exhaust or crank pulley.
This will probably be a learning experience but if this project is successful i think alot of people are going to have alot more fun with this car.
The kit has been proven on the dyno on many cars in the past but none as advanced or as high powered as the FRS.
As i get more information i will share it here.
Here is the kit that will be going on my car next week!

UPDATE #2 - Here is what everyone is waiting for. Had alot of fun today ripping it, car feels great.
We vetted out the stock tune, works great on stock tune, really damn impressed with this thing. STOCK tune actually made more HP!!!! Im working with the developer of this to get even more out of it.
As you can see EVERY SINGLE DAMN psi counts, if we can get 1 more PSI up top thats AT LEAST 20 hp more peak!
Peak gains are 80FT pd in the dip!!!!!!!!
Without further ado, the fabled numbers are IN!
First up, stage 1 visconti, stage 1 visconti with Phantom supercharger

Next up TORQUE.... and lots of them. Read out was 188 ft/pd compared to stock 109, anyone want 75% more torque?

Next up, STOCK for STOCK. Bolt on supercharger and go. We actually made more with stock tune!

Next up, AFR's STOCK vs STOCK with super:

NOW LASTLY..... i have a overlay with vortech SC(same dyno), you guys wouldn't be interested in see that would you?
OH btw this is all at a DAM of 1 and no knock correction

FRS BRZ Electric Supercharger - Casual drive - YouTube
FRS BRZ Electric supercharger - YouTube
Adding more video's
Video Update 2: Tried my hand at the 60 to 120 mph and another 0-60.... tunning comes tomorrow!
Adding information on new motor controller:
Okay so update time:
I got the new motor controller today, now it doesn't increase power or anything but it does one KEY thing.
The new motor controller has an additional sensor the reads inline between the charger and the throttle body. Once a negative pressure is detected which differs from atmospheric it kicks on the supercharger a bit(not sure how much but it doesn't even drop the charge past 28v).
This little bit makes me SOOOO happy, it hardly drains any power and the car is nice and zippy through the torque dip now as it is allowing the engine to not work as hard to suck past the stock intake and the charger.
Its a very nice gesture and Rob said it would undoubtedly give a little boost over stock without the charger as it maintains just above the atmospheric baseline and you can feel it.
The torque dip isn't a massive void like it feels stock or even with the charger. NOW I'm not saying "WOW torque dip gone", but the car just feels zippier.
Its kinda like that partial throttle boost you guys are talking about except on a smaller scale..... either way we are making progress on something that is already proving itself to be a serious competitor. Just look at this compared to the innovative, avo or fullblown kits that have been posted this week, they are all making about 200 hp.
There is lots of new developments happening and Rob is busy as a bee in his workshop testing out some new stuff! Its nice to know that i am not 100% a Guinea pig and he really does his due diligence when putting stuff out to market!
WELL WELL WELL - I am simply exstatic about the results tonight. Toma tuned us up nice, didnt invest too much time in it and he still wants to play around with it more.
We got it working at 2500 RPM no problem and this thing is a TORQUE monster, it just rockets away. The top end feels soooooooo good now too, its just buttery smooth and pulls hard all the way to redline.
The AFR's are much better as well. It doesnt go quiet as rich up top as it did with the stock tune. I cant wait to get some more video's up for you guys in the coming days.
We did another pull after this with a extra little battery pack that Rob rigged up and made ALMOST 210hp but we arent posting that dyno as that will probably be considered a power adder or something like that.
Rob didnt want to artifically inflate the numbers for you guys, he is straight shooter and Toma is a Tuning master!!
Without further ado, our preliminary tune results!!!!

Last edited by unijabnx2000
on 2013-07-12
at 21-22-16.