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Thread: heaviest gear oil to use? what do you use

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2008-05-24 02:18:58
heaviest gear oil to use? what do you use
i am looking to upgrade my transmision gear oil to something for more performance geared, and i seen that amoil has a sae 190 and sae 250 savere gear oil, and i wa wondering what you guys recomend on using, they also have 75w90 75w140 75w110 but the 190 and 250 re their more high perofrmance high horsepower synthetic ger lucrications. any input?
2008-05-24 02:31:32
I would think that the 190 would be OK to put in. Being thicker, it probably protects better, but I would *not* drive it in the winter with that in. Personally, I would stick with 75w-140 and just get a B15 late model tranny in there and use some redline 75w-90, but that might not be an option for you...
2008-05-24 02:40:32
I've been running lightweight shockproof for a few years. Unlike heavyweight shockproof, you can use it year around, and it doesn't seem like it really robs any power.

2008-05-24 04:45:02
eh im not looking to upgrade transmissions at this point, i probably will in the future but just swaping tramisions wouldnt do it for me, i would have to invest in alot of cyro/other forms of treating the transmision even if it was a p11 lsd trans or b15 i would still invest make it that much stronger
2008-05-24 05:17:39
I only run heavy shockproof. Not really an issue in the winter for me. It literally takes an extra 2 min to warm up. No big deal. I just let the car warm up before I drive her. So far my buddy has maxxed out his disco on 20psi and so far it has not broken. He has a b13 tranny in it and a six puck that grabs really hard. I am still waiting for it to break.
2008-05-24 05:26:57
Originally Posted by Brakedust
I've been running lightweight shockproof for a few years. Unlike heavyweight shockproof, you can use it year around, and it doesn't seem like it really robs any power.


I use that heavyweight stuff year round, its only bad before it gets warmed up it doesn't take long and it is just a little stiff to shift at worst. It has 75W250 EP rating viscosity of a 75W90 mineral oil. It helps protect the gears well (but IDK about its effects on the syncros though). This hurts fuel economy and power some IMO, but I have the stock b13 trans+turbo so the added safety to the gears is worth it too me.
2008-05-24 06:12:36
I use half heavy and half light shockproof. Works nice.
2008-05-24 22:22:44
there is no oil pump to circulate the oil in your trans . the imput shaft has to be able to sling the oil around inside the case to lube the gears so they are not dry when you star the car after siting and the oil has run off the gears

the oil has to be thin enuph to be whiped in to a vapor like state

190w is made for diffs or race only tranies

75w or thinner is realistic for a street car. trying to shift with 190w would be freaking slow and hard

10w or gls with shock proof makes shifting efortless

75w and up makes shifting harder and harder

shock proof is proven to add durabillity to your trans the weight will deturnine shifting effort thicker oil can do more harm than good
2008-05-24 23:55:54
Honestly tougher trannies than these survive on mere automatic transmission fluid. I tore my 5-sp. out of my 91 se-r down to repair the 5th gear pop out problem, and found that after 94k miles the bearings were completely wrecked as well. It always shifted hard in the winter with gear oil in it (stands to reason) so I wondered if 80w90 was too thick. I refilled it with ATF and it shifts great, although I don't know how it would affect things in a high perf. environment, as mine's only stock.
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