Originally Posted by
Domiken Which craigslist sentra diesel?
The ad is gone now, but here's a link to the thread:
Here's an equation for you to figure out how long it will take for the swap to break even:
MG = mpg gasoline
MD = mpg diesel
G$ = $/gallon gasoline
D$ = $/gallon diesel
MY = Miles driven per year
S$ = Cost of swap
PY = payoff in years
PY = S$ / ((MY/MG*G$) - (MY/MD*D$))
I have no idea how much the swap would cost - engine, trans, axles, ecu, custom mounts, etc.,
but using hypothetical figures of 30mpg, 50mpg, $4.50/gal diesel, 12000 miles/yr
(25 mile/day commute + 125 miles per weekend), $2000 swap cost:
4.13 years (regular @ 3.91)
3.29 years (premium @ 4.22)