If I can source a quaife for the OEM tranny, I'll go that route, but the other alternative is the spec v 6spd that comes with the helical/torsen diff from the factory

In the end, it's about the same price and the spec V may be less hassle. Plus the 6spd with the VE would be welcomed.

Originally Posted by
is it pronounced cwa-if-E or cwafe?
Pronounced "Kwafe"
DOn't do it. Kojima had a review on them and stated they were an improvement over the VLSD, but how hard is that? In my experience, they lack longevity to really warrant the trouble.

Originally Posted by
Doctor...I'm aiming for tracktion in a straight line. 1/4 mile, robot to robot etc. Not really into track.
Then it sounds like the Nismo (or any clutch-type diff) would be the way to go for you. The quaife (helical/torsen) is known to explode in drag racing applications. It's not meant for burnouts, and that sort of consistant abuse. The SRT4's that came with the torsen diff's were blowing them up left and right, as a direct result of the drag racing abuse.