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Thread: Motor trouble

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2008-05-19 22:36:06
Motor trouble
Hello, During the winter I came back home from college and tried to start my car, my motor has over 200k on it and used to run strong. I tried starting it below a quarter tank the car started then died once it reached 1k. I thought that the fuel lines would be clogged from the tank but I believe I'm getting fuel. I removed my valve cover to see that my engine cranked over like it should and looked fine. But me and my friend noticed that the timing chain seems rather loose, loose enough to take my index finger and push up on the bottom of the chain which can touch the chain guard my best estimate is about a half inch of play. I was wondering if it was possible that my motor might have skipped a tooth and has messed up timing and wont fire, I am checking the spark as soon as I get my tools back from my buddy. If anyone has come across anything like this your help would be essential for me to work. Thank you- Zeek (Soon to be pics)
2008-05-20 05:07:58
2008-05-20 05:22:03
If it skipped a tooth it's not as big a deal as you might think. Mine skipped 2 teeth on both gears and it still ran, just ran kinda funny. Once I reset the timing, things were fine. What I would do is replace your chain tensioner and re-time the engine. Also, check the links to see if there is enough wear on them to make the chain loose. If there is, replace it. More pictures would be cool, too.

2008-05-20 12:57:03
How's the battery? I had one on a VW that would crank the engine but then not have enough voltage left to fire the ignition. You could try jump starting it.
2008-05-20 13:11:10
That looks like a lot of slack. Replace the chain tensioner first. My bet is that the tensioner has failed, and won't take up any of the slack. Obviously want to put the motor at TDC first, and make sure the marks on the chain line up with the dots on the cam gears. The keyways on the cams would be at 10 o'clock on the intake, and 12 o'clock on the exhaust.
2008-05-20 18:02:13
I've done all other builds on the car but I haven't specifically worked with the internals of the motor, I understand the top dead center from the install archive, but when lining up to top dead center what do I look for when the timing if off, the pin and marks? I know I sound like a noob, but my battery has gone crappy over the year from letting it sit and then leaving for college over and over again . I have my battery on a trickle charge right now, I am waiting to see when I can get my tools. I also have a spare tensioner from my old DE that I need to get a hold of. If I replace my tensioner, charge my battery, check my spark, set TDC (checking for marks) I would be prime for totally going over it, I went outside to check over the motor just now and saw this. It looks like my cams where luckly opposite TDC, so I took some pics! You guys have been a great help so far thank you, let me know what you thinkā€¦

My baby
2008-05-20 18:07:00
It doesnt look like you have the motor at TDC, the pin should be at the second mark on the crank pulley from the left.
2008-05-20 20:06:09
before you go swapping tentioners, get ur self a FSM and check the spacing in the chain. also, you should be able to look down and feel if the tentioner is working
2008-06-02 05:10:16
Yeah I checked my motor and I didn't skip a tooth rather when I replaced the spark plugs they where total crap and she turned over with some light gas work I also took a video check it out!
2008-06-02 05:20:16
Also does anyone know how to post video?
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